Lake Serene Attempt

Well conditions weren’t great this hike. We crossed one snow field that was “iffy” at best and got halted where three other hikers on there way got stopped. This avalanche waiting to happen wasn’t going to get blazed without roping up and we didn’t bring that gear with us. 19,500 ft of elevation gain so far this year… Probably would have hit 20k if we had chanced the crossing… And did some route finding…

The last field to lake serene was an avalanche waiting to happen, we turned back.
The last field to lake serene was an avalanche waiting to happen, we turned back.

Winter Hiking

It’s really tempting to sleep in tomorrow morning. A cold rainy.. and up on the lake snowy morning awaits me. The price you pay to thin the herd I suppose. I’m looking forward to visiting Lake Serene and perhaps we’ll bag a peak if we have the energy for another hour and a half..

My electronics projects have really taken a stand still. I’ve gotten just enough everything I need in to create a CNC mill to mill some PCBs but life has been really needy! Hopefully I’ll build that shortly.

Dear Future Me: .223 ammo is $900/1000rounds. I hope I made the right choice to pass for the day it’s back at a sane value…

2013 Hiking Progress

With this morning’s ascent up Squak Mountain I’ve reached 33% of my mileage goal for the year and we’re 25% through the year. Elevation and number of hikes are flying by in comparison… Guess my goals were lopsided. I shared the trail with runners and unleashed dogs in masses. It was only about 1,600 ft of elevation gain but I wanted to ease myself back in after a few week break. Ill be paying for my jog down tomorrow I imagine… Old knees! I think the west peak was the likely point I should’ve headed for but I could t resist the chimney and keeping it to a loop. Too bad I missed the old mill. I love checking out old buildings… Who doesn’t though?