TAUTIC’s 20 Pin Development Kit

I am a sucker for development kits/boards; they are cheap and if you have the room in your project they shave tons of room off your development time. Semi-recently, I was looking for a 18 or 20 PIC development board to plug into a main board. There are tons of boards that have various relays and switches and such but I wanted a bare-bones board that was good for bread-boarding and then could be plugged into my Sumo Roomba bot. These are shockingly hard to find for some reason? While I was sniffing around I ran into Jayson Tautic’s website which led me to purchase his 20-pin PIC development board on tinde. This thing was dirt cheap, and came remarkably fast! I put the thing together in a few moments and it sat in my “do-something-with-this-stuff” pile for a a few weeks. This kit comes with a 16F1509 which was great for what I was working on; it’s not-so-great if you still are rocking a PICKit2, it’s time to upgrade to the 3! I build out the “hello world” circuit shown below but in the end I went in a different direction and used a different board with an 18F2331. Did the board end up in the bottom of a drawer soon to be forgotten? (whats in there these days??: Cymbet energy harvesting stuff, a few 8 pin & 14 pin boards from piccircuit & micrcocontrollershop, a little 5/3.3V switcher kit, MMA7361, a few PICKit demo boards.. hmmm some other random stuff lower down)  Nope! While hiking I decided it was destined for a greater purpose. I wanted to build my own barometer for “storm warning” while hiking the cascades this summer. I dug a BMP085 development board I purchased from Sparkfun earlier on this year and went to work; That code is coming along but isn’t quite finished. While working with this TAUTIC board I can say it is very clean, looks nice, and it’s rock solid. I highly recommend this dev board if you want to plop something down on your breadboard and hack away at.

Yeah, I know, another annoying blinking LED. This was just a 'hello world' test before I was going to get serious to make sure I had my osc and such set up right.
Yeah, I know, another annoying blinking LED. This was just a ‘hello world’ test before I was going to get serious to make sure I had my osc and such set up right.











If you’re interested in some of the basic code just to get it going, here is what I consider to be the important stuff to get you might like to use:

#include “p16f1509.inc”



INIT: ;General Init
BANKSEL ANSELA ;All Digital Pins

MOVLW 0x78 ;16MHZ Clock